Sunday 19 December 2010

Wintery Clothing.

With all the weather we've been having here (aka lets not go above freezing for days) I have been struggling with choosing what to wear. So I filmed a little OOTD when I had an outfit I was kinda proud of :L

Have a lookkeee and I hope you enjoy :) xxx

Winter Nailssss

I'm a bit nail polish-mad.

and on a slightly different subject I have been feeling extremely festive at the moment and cannot wait for christmas- 6 sleeps and counting :L

So it seems that these two loves of mine made for a Christmas/Winter themed nail painting seshh. Early this morning (not that 10.30 is that early :L) I though that I would put on my creative hat and try and make something pretty...well this is what I came up with.

It's supposed to be an icy-frosty kinda look, now I'm not a professional, nor do I claim to be any good at nail art- as you can tell. Apologies for the crappy quality, my camera doesn't zoom to well.

I firstly applied a base coat (from Claires) and I put on two layers to make it more opaque, then i applied a Dior glittery polish on top to make it shimmery, I also did this twice to make it really sparkly. Then I thought 'lets try something new' and added a blue tip which was an Eyeko nail polish. Then 2true top coat and Bob's your Uncle!

Here's the picture of the polish's, sorry its backwards i took them on my laptop :L
*Base Coat Ridge Filler Claires, Dior Addict Vernis 010, Eyeko Pastel Polish, 2true Topcoat*

Then it's just my luck that I go to get my choccy out of my advent calender and they smudge to pieces :( 

Anyway, I might try again sometime this week, maybe a gold lux kinda thaang. We'll see.

Speak to yass soon, merry christmas xxx

Monday 6 December 2010

In & Out...Number One :)

Right, i've been a bit slack with this blog, so it's time to get it into shape.

In&Out of this present time...


Christmas- dur.. one of my favourite times of the year, everywhere's gleaming with lights and glitter, its near to my birthday and its time for the christmas fooood (yum). We put our Christmas tree up the other day and everything's looking wonderfully festive- can't believe i still haven't written a list yet, eeep

Lush- Before i started watching youtube vids or reading blogs i never thought much of Lush, but after a visit a few months ago, i'm obsessed! At the moment I am loving all the sweet, sugary scents like the Snow Fairy Shower Gel and the Candy Cane bubble bar. I recommend you try these if you haven't- they.are.amazing!

Woolies- Headbands, scarfs, gloves, hats, jumpers, tights, dresses, you name it i'm wearing it. It's just the right weather for cosy-ing up in some plush wooly layers, very on trend at the moment but I'm trying to mix it up and not make it look copycat by incorporating it into the rest of my wardobe and going for neutral, non-patterned pieces.

Gossip Girl- I can't quite put my finger on what makes it so good, perhaps the unbelievably gorgeous cast, fabulous outfits, juicy story lines or the lifestyle to die for. Or maybe just Chuck Bass yum. I cannot get enough of this NYC drama, maybe box set is going on the xmas list :L xoxo

Taylor Swift- I've never been one for Country music and i have to say i never really liked her first album that much, but the latest tun-age from the state-side star is nothing short of genius. Not to mention that she is undeniable beautiful- i mean perfect hair or what? I love the way she makes no bones about who she's singing about, 'Dear John'- a message for a certain Mr Mayer? And the absolute beaut 'Better than Revenge' with a nod towards Camille Belle. Love it!


Being Cold- I see people at college and around town wearing leggings, short sleeves, cardis. Aren't you people cold? I, for one, am quite over looking fashionable if it means perishing in this artic weather we're having at the moment. Shove on a coat, its not that bad and you won't get hypothermia

Eye Liner In The Waterline- Whenever i wear this during the day it always looks uneven, then it smudges and by 3.00pm i have this manky gunk in the corner of my eye (sorry gross i know). Can't be doing with it- top lid only at the moment.

Dry Skin- This should be an out! As much moisturiser i slap on, i've still got dry patches on my face, and they don't look too pleasant. I am holding the weather to blame as i would hate to think my trusty Simple isn't doing its job :( Any suggestions for combating the flakiness?

Exams- Come January i've got six in one week, with a full weekend of work before. Are you being serious? Byebye Xmas break and let the revision commence!

Whats getting you up and down at the moment? xx

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Beauty TAG!!

So...i thought i'd do something that gives a little insight into me and something thats a bit fun to do :L

enjoy :)


Blush or Bronzer: Bronzer in the summer, light pink blush otherwise.
Lip gloss or Lipstick: Lipstick all the way...lipgloss is too sticky
Eye liner or Mascara: Mascara always
Foundation or Concealer: Hmmm day to day... concealer 
Neutral or Colour Eye Shadow: Neutral day to day.
Pressed or Loose Eye Shadows: Pressed, but loose tend to be amazing colours.
Brushes or Sponges: Fingers for foundation. Brushes for eyes, face etc...

OPI or China Glaze: I've only tried OPI...
Long or Short: Medium...not really short but not like tallons :L
Acrylic or Natural: Natural.
Brights or Darks: Darks for Winter, Brights for Summer
Flower or no flower: No flower

Perfume or Body Splash: I am going through a body spray phase at the mo.
Lotion or Body Butter: Lotion
Body Wash or Soap: Body Wash, well shower gels.
Lush or other bath company: Lush Lush LUSH!!

Jeans or Sweat pants: Jeans out, my sweat pants don't leave the house.
Stripes or Plaid: Partial to a bit of both
Flip flops or Sandals: Sandals 
Scarves or Hats: As much as i love a hat...gotta be scarf
Studs or Dangly earrings: Studs
Necklaces or Bracelets: Necklaces
Heels or Flats: Flats, but i love heels
Cowboy boots or Riding boots: Cowboy.
Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe: Umm neither in UK
Abercrombie or Hollister: Abercrombie!
Saks 5th or Nordstrom: Don't have these either :(

Curly or Straight: My hair's naturally straight...i'd love loose waves
Bun or Ponytail: Ponytail, i like to swish my hair :L
Bobby Pins or Butterfly clips: Bobby Pins, I swear by them.
Hair spray or Gel: Hairspray
Long or Short: As much as i love a pixi crop, its gotta be long
Light or Dark: Dark, but not black
Side sweep bangs or Full bangs: Full Bangs
Up or Down: Down, unless its a bad hair day :L

Rain or Shine: Shine
Summer or Winter: Winter
Fall or Spring: Fall
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate 

I tag you to do one too!!


Monday 13 September 2010

Fabulous Fall Feeling

So here is a collection of various things i am loving in Autumn- ranging from outfit lustings to beautiful photos to amazing street style and generally things that are currently making me smile :)



What's making your fall/autumn special?

A blog is born...

So...this is my first post and first attempt at blogging. 

If you are reading this please don't click back as fast as you can :( Well if its not to your own taste then don't worry...but if you are a keen beauty guru follower type person, then I hope I have something here to tickle your fancy as the saying goes.

I am new to this online network of fashion beauty blogging tweeting hair and makeup etcetc and would really love to be a part of it.

What you can from expect Offhand Beauty is all that fashion/beauty/make-up/health/ramblings/life stuff with my own take and pretty much anything else that grabs my fancy :L

Thank you for reading this far and maybe you'll come visit again.

Au revoir :)