Sunday 15 May 2011 how to!

No blogposts for months now twice in one day?!

It may be because I am desperate for something to do other than studying for my ever increasingly immanent AS levels, the first of my exams actually gone last friday :S

So, as it is shortly coming up to exam season I thought I would tell you a few tips that I used to revise, in the hope that they may be useful to you in some way! Now a little disclaimer- this is what works for me, everyone is different and it is up to you to find the way of revising that works for you.

1. My Method. I like to revise primarily from revision guides or textbooks. I feel that in those books will be everything i need to know for the exam. I copy out notes onto little index cards (colour co-ordinated to subject obviously :L) and use different colours and pictures. I then go through these cards over and over, and also look over my class notes to see if there is anything I have missed. 

What I also use are past papers. These are brilliant for learning exam technique, how to answer the question, what to expect and eventually you will probably meet the same question again, and so will be able to answer it perfectly!

2. Timescale. I'm a big believer in planning ahead, I drew up a revision timetable back in March so come exam time- theoretically- i should be well prepared. Please don't go into thinking its a hardcore work plan, give yourself several 'rest days', plan parties/birthdays etc into the timetable so you know to revise well before or after! 

For me I try and revise in my free periods at college and after college if I'm not knackered or at work or have something on. So maybe average 1-2 hours a night. I work on Saturdays so have to work quite hard on a Sunday, but not crazy hard :P Maybe two hours in the morning, two in the afternoon- it's not that bad!

3. Advice. I know it can seem never ending and it is hard to find the motivation, but trust me, when you open that exam envelope it will all be worth it!

Reward yourself with food, clothes, bath- any short term goal that you can look towards to help you revise better.

Turn facebook off...I know, I know. But seriously it's such a time waster, so take the opportunity away. Go on it after you've finished that past paper!

Regular breaks, food and water are essential.

Get organised, having a folder with all your work in, having all your notes in one place and knowing you have plenty of time to suss out what you don't know makes it all that much easier.

So I hope these tips have helped :) Please share any holy grail revising tips you have! 

And good luck!! xxx


  1. eughh i hate revising - thanks for the tips - i shall definately try these out! (btw, i replied to your comment on my blog post on the post, if that makes sense..!) xx

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